Monday, 16 May 2011

The weather has been so freaky here lately, even for England, hense the photo of the sun/rain hybrid we're currently experiencing. It looked like glitter was falling outta the sky.

Hello hello dear blog! I thought it was time for another update as, although I don't have anything special to write about, I want to keep my posts regular so I don't go into Super Slack Mode (TM). So the other week me and my friend Hilz -and possibly some other friends of hers- decided we should go to Comic Con this year! We would have to get trains, including about four train changes (ugh!) but I was willing to invest the time and money to go to my first convention! Unfortunately though, things are looking uncertain on that front right now as there have been bomb threats recieved in London today, and so I'm not so sure I'll still be going as the convention is in two weeks. We'll see. My friend Melanie's 18th birthday is also coming up this saturday, which should be fun. I'll probably take a camera of mine, and I'm sure I won't be the only one, and eventually I'll probably post some photos from that.

I must apologize for the lack of photos recently too! Especially considering I now have four new film cameras which my friend's parents kindly gave me when they were cleaning out their attic to move house. I need to get some film and test them all out actually, which may happen this week as Amy wants me to *ehem* "model" for her as she wants to get some photography project of hers into the works.

I will disappear now into the land of catching-up-on-interwebz-correspondence, but before I do, I'd like to urge anyone who might read this to follow >>> this link <<< and sign the petition against the airing of this sickening excuse for a music video by Kanye West. After reading about it on Fbomb earlier today I was shocked and appalled that such a violent and disgusting video would actually be allowed to be aired to anyone -particularly a younger audience- on television. This isn't just a vulgar attempt at being "sexy", this is violence. This is a new low.

Thanks for reading! =D

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Hmm, I suppose it is time for one of those update thingywotsits. To be honest, I haven't been doing anything lately that is interesting to write about. I applied for college -English language & lit, communication and culture, critical thinking- and I'm waiting for them to contact me with a date for my interview. Not really looking forward to the prospect as sitting down and having questions fired at me on a one-to-one basis makes me feel a little less than comfortable.

In other news, I've been doing a lot of reading as usual. Most recently, the following...

These wonderful books will be proudly placed on my bookshelf and I encourage anyone and everyone who cares about this screwed up world we live in to read them also.

That's about it for now folks. ;)