Saturday, 30 April 2011

I do realize I haven't made a post in a while. This is basically due to a combination of laziness and...well, a few days I just haven't been feeling too great and didn't feel like writing about life. A few cool things have happened, primarily that I got a new phone, as pictured below!

Its a decent phone, but mostly I bought it as a plan B since my other -and quite frankly better, even with it's flaws- phone decided to turn itself off a few times last week. The screen is also super scratched, but I still luv it, and it is basically a lot more reliable. Hmm what else? Tomorrow I'm going out with Aisling and Lauren for dinner which should be fun. Oh, and Aisling's family are nice enough to give me their old camera stuff since they're having a moving-day clear out, which is super thoughtful. There's always more room in my life for new cameras. Totally excited.

Oh yeah, the fair photos. Aisling took them because my camera is huge and I didn't wanna risk it getting broken but she has no fear, anyway, they're bloody awful of me, at least I think they are. But hey, no one looks good during a moment of high G-force, right? Here are a few of the not-too-terrible shots...
Me LOLing at a rather large slice of our rather large pizza. And Sid's head.

A moment of high speed...'nuff said.

Half-face shot! Ais won me the awesome banana, who we named Barry.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

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In other news, the weather is b-e-a-utiful and I have a sudden obsession with Exotic flavour Soleros. I'm going to the carnival/fair/whatever you want to call it with Aisling on friday, shopping on saturday, getting a helluva lot of chocolate on sunday, going out somewhere with the family monday and getting my hair done some time next week too. Life. Is. Good.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Otha stuffz.

Sooooooo, today I went with Aisling and Lauren to see Red Riding Hood. To be quite honest it was pretty crap. It just felt like some sort of murder mystery with unnecessary gore, and it lasted wayyyy too long. It's unfortunate though because I think they had an opportunity to make it a really good/interesting version of the original children's story, and instead it was just like one long wait to find out who this "wolf" really was. Not worth the extortionate price I paid for a ticket. However, I'm still pretty happy to have met up with Lauren particularly after such a long while of not seeing her.

Speaking of other good movies I've seen lately, I must recommend a couple! A few weeks ago I went to see SuckerPunch with my friend Laura. It was a pretty damn good movie, totally insane and twisted, just the way it should be, heehee. It could have been improved as far as the plot goes and the ending was kind of sucky but it was still a good movie. I also recently watched Despicable Me, which is super hilarious and just totally unique as far as the storyline goes. Definitely recommended. Hmm what else? Not much.

I've not been doing much of interest lately, so your best bet for contact with me or whatever is probably on one of the websites belowwww -