Saturday, 30 April 2011

I do realize I haven't made a post in a while. This is basically due to a combination of laziness and...well, a few days I just haven't been feeling too great and didn't feel like writing about life. A few cool things have happened, primarily that I got a new phone, as pictured below!

Its a decent phone, but mostly I bought it as a plan B since my other -and quite frankly better, even with it's flaws- phone decided to turn itself off a few times last week. The screen is also super scratched, but I still luv it, and it is basically a lot more reliable. Hmm what else? Tomorrow I'm going out with Aisling and Lauren for dinner which should be fun. Oh, and Aisling's family are nice enough to give me their old camera stuff since they're having a moving-day clear out, which is super thoughtful. There's always more room in my life for new cameras. Totally excited.

Oh yeah, the fair photos. Aisling took them because my camera is huge and I didn't wanna risk it getting broken but she has no fear, anyway, they're bloody awful of me, at least I think they are. But hey, no one looks good during a moment of high G-force, right? Here are a few of the not-too-terrible shots...
Me LOLing at a rather large slice of our rather large pizza. And Sid's head.

A moment of high speed...'nuff said.

Half-face shot! Ais won me the awesome banana, who we named Barry.