Monday, 13 June 2011

[EDIT: I'm having trouble commenting on other blogs. I write my comment, select that I want to use my Google account, press post comment, and get sent to the log in screen. I log in, and I'm sent back to the comment, and then I press send, and get sent back to log in again, and the comment never posts! Anyone else having this problem?]

It's official- I've been BlogSlacking. But! I have excuses aplenty, and they're very valid. Over the past month or so, I've moved out of my bedroom, got new furniture, moved back into my bedroom, had a college interview, and an 18th birthday. I have thought about posting during all this, but my head has just been elsewhere.

As far as the college interview goes, I have an unconditional place, and will be starting in September. Am quite looking forward to it but I'm very nervous- the campus is quite big, and I only know two other people, one of which is usually going to be on placement and not actually in college, and the other I don't regularly speak to. Still, I'm sure I'll meet some new people and it should be fun once I get there and get over the initial nervousness.

My birthday went well too- I got lots of cool presents, including the laptop I'm currently writing this blog on, an amazing pink ukulele with Lisa Simpson on it (although I did want a SpongeBob one, waa!), some hair straighteners, a Viviene Westwood necklace and a bunch of other cool stuff. I went with my mum,  aunt, my cousin and her fiance to Starbucks in the morning, then later on my mum took me to this super posh hotel place for fancy afternoon tea, which I really enjoyed considering my obsession with tea parties and the like. I took some snapshots of the decor because I was majorly impressed.

                                             Here's a shot of me and my mum.
                                                           Aaaand me and my cousin.
Here I am outside the hotel.

It was a good day. Also, this weekend me and a few friends went out for a kind of post-birthday meal thing. Here are a few required bathroom shots. I look kind of amused because about three minutes earlier I accidentally pulled the soap dispenser off the wall...o.o

As the day went on I began to notice that my birthday had a Hello Kitty theme!
As I walked in my living room I saw this...
And here's my cake! ^_^

I had a really fun birthday, and now I have no more excuses I can get back to my regular blog posts!

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