Hi everyone! Surprise surprise, I'm still alive! As usual I have been severely neglecting my online ventures recently, particularly this personal blog. I've been going through tough times in my life these past few years and as a result I haven't found much inspiration to blog about it, or to make the posts positive! However, I'm back and resolute in blogging more frequently and doing so in a positive manner. My life is going to be changing in many ways this next year and I hope I will be able to grow and move forward as a person, and thus be more able to blog and blog well!
Since it's been such a long time since I made a post, I'll forget trying
to get up to speed in this one entry, but rest assured that future
posts will be better as far as updates go. For now I'll leave with a few
positive photos to initiate my blog anew!
Looking at the sun go down is one of those things I love to do, but something which most people take for granted and hardly give a passing glance to. Usually when it's a beautiful sun set I whip out my camera and just take some candid shots of it for fun. One day I will check off one of the big things on my photography bucket list: to get up early and watch and photograph the sun rise in the middle of nowhere on a large hill!
Well, bye for now.
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