Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Lolita corner: Milky-chan!

So, on saturday before Lucky-Con I picked up my new lolita JSK. It's Milky-Chan! I've wanted this print FOREVER and when I asked about it in the sales comm I only found one person who was selling this replica jsk. I'm pretty pleased with the dress itself, Milky-Chan is such a adorable mascot... 
The dress comes with detachable waist ties with adorable black heart buttons.
It comes with a large detachable bow for the dress and a barrette. 
 I love the print! The presents and little crowns are adorable.

The lace can be a concern for a lot of lolitas but the lace on this dress is actually really soft and nice quality, so I got lucky I guess! I can't wait to put together my first co-ord with this JSK! <3

Also, check out my super cute wrist cuffs I got at Lucky Con from Stocking Shock!

Yesterday I went into Lincoln and managed to get K-ON manga for the first time. Sadly they didn't have the number I wanted but since I watch the anime it's not like it'll be full of spoilers!
 Of course I have to use this super cute sweet lolita bookmark that my friend Ari got for me!

Well that's about all for now folks!


  1. Oh my gosh I'm so jealous! That JSK looks gorgeous!

  2. Haha thanks, it's really pretty. ^_^
